My Greek mentor once told me he was initially inspired to study the language because some pretentious British author ended a novel with the words: Τὸ Tἐλος (to tel-os). As you might imagine this means, “The End” in ancient Greek. My mentor guessed that was the meaning but he took the time to look it up. […]
There’s a church not far from here that is displaying this message on an electronic marquee: Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:16. The message they are trying to convey is: All you need is love. If you have love then you are in good with God. In […]
A conceit has developed among modern ‘philosophers’ about the importance of the Greek’s understanding of time. It involves two words: χρόνος (chro-nos) and καιρός (kai-pos), both of which appear in quick succession in Luke’s account of the encounter between Zechariah and Gabriel. καιρός is used in Gabriel’s pronouncement inflicting silence on Zechariah until John was born. Zechairah would remain speechless “because […]
Justice and Wisdom
The introduction to the Gospel of Luke uses four Greek words that appear only in the two books attributed to him. Some of the other vocabulary in that passage occurs elsewhere only in the Pastoral Letters to Titus and Timothy for which some speculate that Luke served as amanuensis to Paul. Simularities in the erudite […]
Without Wavering
He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. Deuteronomy 32:4 Stephen Hopkins was faithful to the cause of American Independence and completely devoted to making the new nation a reality. According to those who analyze such things, […]
Not a Lazy Bone in His Body
The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt. Proverbs 12:27 George Washington was the first President of the United States upon ratification of the U.S. Constitution. But Sam Huntington has the claim to being the first “executive” of the U.S. upon the ratification of the Articles […]
Tough as Nails
Act with courage. 2 Chronicles 19:11 James K. Polk was the 11th President of the United States of America. At the time of his election, he was the youngest man to hold the office. He served one term and went home. Three months later he was dead. One historian has called him “history’s most under-appreciated […]
Transcending Circumstance
They get lost and die because of their foolishness and lack of self-control. Proverbs 5:23 There are wise people and there are fools. Count Roger Sherman as one of the former. Thomas Jefferson said that Sherman “never did a foolish thing in his life.” Historians tell us that Sherman was also humble — there was […]
Louder Than Words
I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. John Locke Actions do indeed speak louder than words! As I reflect on the rebels who fought the soldiers of King George III in the American Revolution, I am struck by the fact that talk and debate only took them so […]
Slow but steady wins the race. Aesop William Williams was steady — a man with constancy of resolve and conduct. Even before he signed the Declaration of Independence representing the Connecticut delegation, he had devoted himself to a life of public service. Denise Kiernan, in the book Signing Their Lives Away, describes a man who […]