
And it came to pass in those days a δόγμα (dog-ma) went out from Caesar Augustus.

Luke 2:1

Dogma, according to Webster, is “something held as an established opinion especially : a definite authoritative tenet.” It wasn’t an opinion or a tenet that went out from Augustus, of course. It was a demand. Anyone who did not compile was in peril of losing their freedom or their life.

Today the word dogma often gets tossed around pejoratively with the adjective “religious” attached or implied. Usually this is done in the sense of “look at those stupid people following that dogma.” It’s assumed that these dogmatic folk are not “open-minded,” can’t think for themselves, or just do what they are told out of submission to a source of authority. Occasionally you see the adjective “political” attached to dogma with the same implication. In each case those opposed to the dogma deride it as merely an opinion.

Now let’s consider for a moment those who “follow the science” with regard to pandemics, climate change, or any of a host of issues. How many of them are open-minded? How many of them have the any inkling of how to objectively evaluate the  “science” they are following? Aren’t the majority of them simply obeying a decree issued by the Augustus of Science, whoever that may be? So the dogma of scientific is not merely opinion, but incontrovertible fact. Of course, they don’t call it dogma, do they?

Sola scriptura is Latin for “By Scripture Only.” It means that the Bible is the only infallible source of truth. It’s one of five Protestant doctrines that caused a split in corporate Christianity later labelled the Reformation. The Reformation spawned a series of bloody wars because it threatened the secular power of certain members of the European ruling class. All this bloodshed and chaos was because of dogma say scoffers and atheists. Perhaps they are right. If you believe that the Scripture is the word of Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe…if you believe that it is a decree, a dogma, authorized by Him…then, as in the days of Caesar Augustus, you are in peril of your life if you do not obey.
True Christians have never demanded that anyone else accept the belief of sola scriptura. Their infallible scripture actually demands this of them. It’s a decree from God. All Christians have typically demanded is that they be allowed to live in accordance to that belief. Those who believe in science have not been so liberal in their acceptance of unbelievers. The demand of their dogma is: “You must accept the science! The science is infallible! Sola scientia!

I can think of no instance where true science, conducting according to the Scientific Method of hypothesis and experiment, is in conflict with the Bible. Dogmatic science-followers assume prima facia that conflict between the two proves the Bible fictional. At the same time they accept the truth of certain moral codes that have no basis in science.  Sola scientia or sola scriptura?  You can’t have it both ways. Conflicting decrees drove the computer HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey to become homicidally insane. Arthur C. Clarke had a clear metaphor in mind. No man can obey two masters.

Who’s δόγμα will you obey?

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